About Me

Welcome to my portfolio! My name is Leandra, Lea for short. I’m versatile and reliable with experience in technology and digital media, and I aim to create engaging content and helpful tools.

I love the countless possibilities and intellectual challenges technology can bring, so I learned about it through my computer science education. With flexibility, problem-solving, and persistence, I created different applications, from practical to experimental.

Learning technical tools also empowers my creativity. I love brainstorming ideas and bringing them to life visually. I started expressing my concepts through 3D animation classes, and recently, I’m trying it out with video games/interactive media.

Along my diverse career path, I also found my talent for writing, exposing me to the field of technical communications/instructional design that uses technology and media to teach. I liked the idea of using my multi-disciplinary skills to make something meaningful by making learning fun, so I’m pursuing this interest by making a VR application on medical education and taking on training course development at my job. I’m also welcome to ideas, experiences, and connections about the field, so feel free to reach out. After all, I’m happy to learn 🙂